The Adjustment

Adjusting or joint manipulation is a means to restore motion to an area of restriction in the body. This could be caused from a plethora of reasons, some common ones being posture, muscle imbalance, and injury.

The Result—

Classically, this brings improved range of motion, decreased muscle tension, decreased pain, and improved joint awareness.

The Technique

Dr. Broom is trained in the evidence-informed adjusting protocol from Motion Palpation Institute. However, Dr. Broom utilizes various techniques for adjustments, it all depends on the patient’s need. It could be as simple as a light mobilization if you are fearful of being ‘cracked’, or it could be table drops, or just old fashioned manual joint manipulation.

Functional Rehabilitation

Here are some of Dr. Broom’s favorite rehabilitation techniques:

Dynamic Neuromuscular Rehabilitation

DNS was developed by Pavel Kolar from the Prague School of Rehabilitation. This world-renowned system is the lens through which Dr. Broom treats all movement dysfunctions. In his estimation, it is the most effective and natural way to restore muscular control and joint stability.

Functional Range Conditioning (FRC)

Dr. Broom uses many of the systems of thought from FRC, particularly to increase range of motion and then learn how to control your joint through that full range of motion.

Sport-specific recommendations

Although not any one technique, Dr. Broom has enjoyed working with athletes from various sports including basketball, football, baseball, track and field, golf, bodybuilding, powerlifting, and crossfit. With any of these, Dr. Broom aims to make your rehab mimic your sport as close as possible so that you get back to doing what you enjoy and perform better.

Soft Tissue Therapy

Here are some of Dr. Broom’s go-to soft-tissue techniques:

Active Release Technique (ART)

Developed by a legend in the soft tissue world—Dr. Michael Leahy; this methodology is largely recognized as the gold standard in soft-tissue care. Utilized by professional sports teams and Olympic athletes worldwide, this technique focuses on finding “aberrations in tissue” and correcting it with “precise touch and patient movements”.

Fascial Manipulation

Developed by the Stecco family, this methodology is a deep tissue means to reorganize the fascia in the body. Fascia is a type of connective tissue that connects the entire body together, somewhat like a complex, interconnected web. Dr. Broom loves this technique because it is a gateway to explain how problems in one part of your body could be leading to pain in a seemingly unrelated area.


A traditional eastern therapy that utilizes cups to create a vacuum against the skin. Commonly this leads to decreased muscle tension, decreased pain, increased blood and lymph circulation.

Scraping/Gua Sha

Another traditional eastern therapy that utilizes a tool to scrape against the skin, producing tiny bruising known as ‘petechiae’. The act of scraping tends to break up adhesions in muscle and fascia. This bruising also leads to an immune response, which ultimately clears inflammation and increases circulation in that area.